“A good plan vigorously executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week,” General George S. Patton.
Many people are busy working out 2015 plans. Yes. It is January, the month punctuated by resolutions. It is a great month filled with hope and fresh energy. Yet many at the end of the year will not have gone past putting down the resolutions as illustrated by the attached picture I picked from a Facebook group I follow.
The reason why many people do not move past making resolutions, dreaming or setting goals is simply because they are waiting for the perfect plan!
To me, resolutions or not, once an idea is hatched in your mind, start acting on it. As you take the initial steps of faith, other things work themselves out. The reason you are reading this today (and any other musings you could have read) is simply because I take to writing the moment an idea pops up. The most fulfilling part has been feedback from individuals acting on the information. When a life is impacted because I chose to act on my writing, I realize sometimes we miss out on doing good because of failing to act.
At the Imagine Me power breakfast event this month (Saturday, January 31), our ice breaking activity will be focused on sharing workable steps to see the resolutions yield fruit.
We will also discuss business, and what a great opportunity to find out if starting a business requires a perfect business plan!
I am glad I chose to act on the holding each other’s hands all the way idea the moment the thought came up in April last year. I had no perfect plan. Today I have participants sharing amazing outcomes as a result of participating in the coaching sessions.
Will you choose to act?