Transition Coaching

Could you be the next CEO?

One of what seems elusive positions and a preserve for a few are the executive positions. Think CEOs, Executive Directors, Chief Finance Officers, Chief Information Officers, Head of Human Capital, Head of Programmes, Administration leads, positioning for Boards, name it – anything C-Suite.

From our advanced professional coaches’ combined experience there are clear traits we see that people require to position themselves better. How manifest are your personal values? Are they known to you, or did you pick some fancy words that you thought resonate with you? Your deepest seated values may not have a name to them as yet. What limiting beliefs do you have? Are you one of those that for example think an introvert cannot take up such roles? Or you think that because you are too extroverted and happy, people might not take you serious?

Well, part of our employment transition coaching services is to enable you position yourself well for the role you truly want in the C-Suite. We also offer you coaching services to settle into those roles and blossom because of giving you the reflective space you truly deserve as a budding leader.


Team and Group coaching

Team and Group coaching are important aspects of coaching, especially when it comes to organisations.

We offer team coaching to entities that are looking towards contributing to the same goal. We understand the need for cohesiveness, sponsor support, and steering the team to a given coaching agreement that serves the need of the organisation and/or team.

We also facilitate group coaching. Several heads of department may be grappling with issues and may want a sounding board environment. We do this creatively by facilitating group coaching. As the coach goes about an inquiry for a given individual, there is collective learning that is happening even as each of the participants in the group works on a different coaching goal.